  • Letter from the Street
  • Donation

24 Hours Hotline: 90881023

Office Address
Youth Outreach Jockey Club Building, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, HK
Tel: 2384 3531 or 2622 2890
Fax: 2804 8622
Email: yoenquiry@yo.org.hk
[Banner Image]

Contact Us

[Simple map]
Youth Outreach Jockey Club Building, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong
Tel: (852)2384 3531 / (852)2622 2890
Fax: (852)2804 8622
Email: yoenquiry@yo.org.hk

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Route to Car Park

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Application for Visit

If you wish to visit Youth Outreach, please download the application form, fill it in, and fax to (852)28048622. Please read and accept the "Application Notes" before applying.

Administrative Units Contact Information

Unit Tel Fax Email
Administration 2384 3531 2804 8622 yoenquiry@yo.org.hk
Accounts Dept. 2384 3531 2804 8624 yoenquiry@yo.org.hk
Information Technology 2535 5204 2804 8607 itenquiry@yo.org.hk
Customer Services 2622 2890 2804 8636 csenquiry@yo.org.hk

Service Units Contact Information

Contact information for each service unit please refer to Service Units.