  • Letter from the Street
  • Donation

24 Hours Hotline: 90881023

Office Address
Youth Outreach Jockey Club Building, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, HK
Tel: 2384 3531 or 2622 2890
Fax: 2804 8622
Email: yoenquiry@yo.org.hk
[Banner Image]

Become a Volunteer


Volunteer of All- Night Outreaching Team (Fire Fly Group)

Volunteer Application Form
Go out with our outreaching team at night to search for the young night drifters who are at-risk.

Volunteer of All- Night Outreaching Team (Youth Voice) [Quota is full]

- Serve the youngsters of Crisis Center for Boys and Girls, Transitional Housing for Boys and Girls.
- Activities organizing and participating.

Event Volunteer

We need quantities of volunteer help when there is a Fund Raising Event like Charity Milk Tea Rally and we will update the details accordingly.

Other Resources Support

Youth Outreach needs different kinds of professional supports in order to reduce the administration cost, so that we could strengthen the front-line services, such as:

If you are willing to contribute your expertise to Youth Outreach, please fill in the Volunteer Application Form and return to Fundraising and Communication.
For enquiries please call 2513 0026 or email to frcenquiry@yo.org.hk.

Corporate and Organization groups

Volunteer Registration Form (Corporate/Organization)

For enquiries, please email to frcenquiry@yo.org.hk or call at 2513 0026.