  • Letter from the Street
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24 Hours Hotline: 90881023

Office Address
Youth Outreach Jockey Club Building, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, HK
Tel: 2384 3531 or 2622 2890
Fax: 2804 8622
Email: yoenquiry@yo.org.hk
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Join Us

Welcome to join us to help young people find themselves and rebuild their self-esteem and self-confidence.


For job details, please click on the link of the job title.

Job Title Ref. No.
青年工作幹事(AWW) - 兼職 THB/2503/003
青年工作幹事(WW) YOG/2502/002
社工(SWA) THB/2502/001
蒲吧 - 活動助理 -


Applicants should email their resume and the expected salary to the contact email address of the relevant post or send it to the Youth Outreach Headquarters, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, Hong Kong. Please mark the job title and reference number on the envelope or email subject.

Applicants who are not invited for interview within 3 months may consider their applications unsuccessful, and the data will be destroyed immediately.
(Data provided by the applicants will be kept confidential and will only be used for recruitment purpose.)