  • Letter from the Street
  • Donation

24 Hours Hotline: 90881023

Office Address
Youth Outreach Jockey Club Building, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho, HK
Tel: 2384 3531 or 2622 2890
Fax: 2804 8622
Email: yoenquiry@yo.org.hk
[Banner Image]

YO 30th Anniversary

YO 30週年

YO 30th Anniversary Slogan and Logo Competition

Concept of YO 30th Slogan and Logo

YO 30th Anniversary Opening Ceremony

30 years of walking with youth exhibition

Opening Ceremony - 30 years of walking with youth exhibition

YO Charity Walk 2021


Hang Out 20th Anniversary Music Festival

30 Years Of Walking With Youth

「WE@ONe」- YO全港街舞比賽2022

塗‧嬉 Graffiti Jam 2022

YO Dancical 協青街舞劇 2022「一念之間:不!可能」

Closing Ceremony of YO 30th Anniversary


與青年同行 | 一同支持YO💚